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For additional information regarding the Empower Participant Experience, please review the following information.

IMPORTANT: The projections, or other information generated by the Empower Participant Experience regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes, are hypothetical in nature. They do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future results. The results may vary with each use and over time. The analyses present the likelihood of various investment outcomes if certain investment strategies or styles are undertaken, thereby serving as an additional resource to investors in the evaluation of the potential risks and returns of investment choices. Each simulation takes into account the participant's current plan balance and investment mix, as well as his or her age, income, retirement date, contribution rate, likely future savings, and estimated Social Security benefit. The tool runs over 50 billion market simulations to provide an estimate of a monthly income likely to be generated at retirement.

The Empower Participant Experience is an interactive investment tool designed for Empower Retirement plan participants to illustrate the estimated impact of a participant's plan balances and projected savings on income in retirement. The tool takes into account both before-tax and after-tax accumulated balances and future regularly scheduled contributions for estimated projections. It cannot account for dramatic changes in a participant's personal situation, including unexpected expenses and other financial situations that may negatively affect one's estimated monthly income in retirement. You are advised to consider your other assets, income, investment options, investment time horizon, income tax bracket, and risk tolerance when planning for specific investment goals. It is recommended that you consult a financial advisor for more information. It is important to note that the results from this tool are estimates based on what you input today. The results are not a guarantee of actual outcomes and will change as your inputs change. Your estimated retirement income uses the asset allocation of your plan account available on the system at the time you engage with the tool.

For purposes of the estimate, your current asset allocation is assumed to remain the same to and through your retirement, however, you may model the potential impact of different investment mix assumptions on your retirement income estimate within the tool. For retirement income estimates using your current holdings, the asset allocation used in the tool is based on the types of securities held within each of the funds in your portfolio.

Security types are primarily provided by Morningstar, but in some cases, by the fund company managing the fund option. These security types are then mapped to the broad asset allocation categories of either equities or fixed income which are used by the tool. Certain security types have return characteristics of both stocks and bonds, e.g., convertible bonds, preferred stocks, commodities, and real estate. These securities are mapped based on the portfolio weights of stock and bonds in a portfolio optimized to minimize historical tracking error to an index representing these securities. For holdings represented by Great-West's General Account, the stock and bond proportions in the account are used. Any self-directed brokerage account holdings under the plan are assumed to have the same asset allocation as the rest of your mapped portfolio.

"Other" assets that you enter into the tool are also assumed to have this same asset allocation. Securities without a security-type identifier are assumed to have a 50/50 allocation to equities and fixed income, respectively. Healthcare costs and projections are provided by HealthView Services. Empower Retirement does not provide health-care advice. Empower Retirement does not believe that HIPAA applies to the data obtained from plan participants using this new tool. Top peers are defined as an individual who is at the 90th percentile of the selected age band, salary range, and gender.